Portfolio /
website design
Website design for new devision of one of the largest car sellers in the US Lithia Motors

Interactive tools and resources designed to simplify electric car learning and shopping.
Clear and engaging, the landing page opens doors to all tools that help visitors decide which electric vehicle they should buy.
The main idea of the landing page was to integrate electric vehicles into the environment to emphasize that they are now an essential part of modern life
The main idea of the landing page was to integrate electric vehicles into the environment to emphasize that they are now an essential part of modern life
Illustrations for animated intro
I designed illustrations in a way that cars can be changed over the time but illustrations would reamain the same.

Here is the result. On every tab click the animations restarts.
3D feeling with 2D illustrations.
Buyers Guide
A huge database of cars is integrated directly into the website. This functionality might seem beyond Webflow's capabilities, but it's not. Working together with my team, we implemented a listing system that uses the database; it can sort, filter, add to favorites, compare, and is connected to the Lithia store. All these tools are designed to help users decide which car is the right fit for their needs.